The MFE Blog

Is it Too Late to Become a Personal Trainer?

May 12, 2023

Are you considering a new career path as a personal trainer, but are worried that it’s too late to start? 


Maybe you’re thinking that you’re “too old” to start… But believe it or not, you’re not! It’s never too late to get started as a personal trainer. 


In fact, the majority of our students fall between two key categories: between 16-25, and over 45! Although there are many students between these two categories, we want to highlight that it’s never too late to become a personal trainer. That is what we’re going to be discussing here today at Motion Fitness Education. 


A market full of potential 

There is a demand for personal trainers across all age groups, with the market size of the personal trainer industry increasing by 16.4% in 2022 (source: IBIS World). With such an expansive market, people will always be on the lookout for personal trainers, which means there is potential for all, no matter your age. 


Research by Trainer Academy also found that individuals aged between 35-44, and 45-54 make up the largest segments within the personal trainer market. As there is a demand for personal trainers from these age groups, what better way to serve that demographic than with someone who is in a similar demographic and is willing to help! 


It doesn’t matter how late you may think you’re starting, we assure you that there is potential for you to excel. We have even seen personal trainers operating way into their 60s/70s (and quite successful too!) 


You have more life experience to provide 

Older personal trainers have a lot more life experience than the younger generations, which can be a huge advantage for you and your clients, connecting with others those younger typically will not be able to. This life experience can guide your career path as a personal trainer, and provide an added offering to your clients! 


Utilise your transferable skills 

If you are thinking about becoming a personal trainer, the chances are that it isn’t your very first career. In your previous careers, you will have learned important skills that will help you and transfer into your new career as a personal trainer. Whether you previously worked in management, sales, marketing etc., you’ll be surprised about the skills you can bring to the gym and how they will benefit you as a personal trainer! 


The verdict? 

It’s never too late and you’re never too old to become a personal trainer! Don’t let any limiting beliefs stop you from chasing a dream and trying a new career. 


If you’re looking to change career paths, get in touch today. We can help you find the right course for you!